271118| Can I Know That I Am Saved? | The Acts i should do as Christian..... The Testimony... Vol.29
251118| Finally as Christian- 4| |" Ekamanassu Kaligi Unduta " - Part-4 |
231118| " Spiritual Enrich " Vol-8
201118| Can I Know That I Am Saved? | The Acts i should do as Christian..... The Testimony... Vol.28
181118| Finally as Christian- 4| |" Ekamanassu Kaligi Unduta " - Part-3 |
131118| Can I Know That I Am Saved? | The Acts i should do as Christian..... The Testimony... Vol.27
121118| " Examining Our Self in CHRIST "
111118| Finally as Christian- 4| |" Ekamanassu Kaligi Unduta " - Part-2 |
061118| Can I Know That I Am Saved? | The Acts i should do as Christian..... The Testimony... Vol.26
041118| Finally as Christian- 4| |" Ekamanassu Kaligi Unduta " - Part-1 |

We invite anyone and everyone to attend our Sunday gatherings to scripture warns and prayers.

Visakhapatnam, AP

Watch Live Every Sunday 7:00PM - 8:30PM (IST) @D.No. 1-11-30,Laxminagar, Sivaji Park Rd, Visakhapatnam-17, AP

Parvathipuram, AP

Every Sunday Adult Church: 8:00-10:30 AM,
Sunday Children Church: 8:00-10:30 AM,
@ Chinabondapali, Parvathipuram, AP,